Thursday, May 20, 2010

Anyone know of any website for flower arraignments?

I'm trying to find a step-by-step, idiots guide to how to do a floral bouquet - and I can't find anything with photos/pictures to follow along. I even spent hours at the book store, nothing. There has got to be something out there. Help, please.

Anyone know of any website for flower arraignments?
I agree with the other answer, you really should get a book to give you step by step instructions on the construction of a bouquet. Find one that starts at the conditioning of the flowers and takes you all the way through to the adding of the ribbons. I can give you 3 sites that will show you what is involved. (look at all the videos )

I might add, as a retired floral designer, a wedding bouquet is one of the most difficult floral designs to do. It also takes a lot of training to learn how to do it properly. That's why they are so expensive. You may want to reconsider doing your own. Hope I was of some help.
Reply: good luck ;o)
Reply:This one is so awesome!!!
Reply:Flower Arraigning
Reply:there is no correct way to arrange flowers. it takes alot of practice. my mother is a proffesional florist and she has been doing it almost 20 years. you have to lear how a flower will fall and work with it... really it's all a matter of opinion. if you like the way you arrange your flowers, then you are good at it in your opinion. others may not agree. books can help you learn the tools but never make you a good florist... good luck!

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