Thursday, May 20, 2010

What is the national flower of France? Why was it chosen?

I am making a blog about flowers around the world.

Easy 10pts to whom ever can provide me with a picture link and historic details.

Thanks :)

What is the national flower of France? Why was it chosen?
When you please find out about all the countries, please would you be so kind to e mail me the information....I have just learned from the previous people it is a Lily, and by the way the South African one is a Protea...and I will find out for you about Greece...What a lovely question Miss Cutie.
Reply:Fleur de Lis...The Royal Lily was the national flower as long as the Bourbon dynasty reigned in France. As a plant it still exists It's a red lily (though used in white as a national emblem). The variety is Called Sprekelia Formosisima . Hard to find in Europe it grows wild in certain areas of Mexico.

Since the royalty disappeared in France, the flower used isn't one, but rather three and they represent the national flag... Poppy for Red. Daisies for White. Cornflowers for Blue. The flowers are all in bloom at the same time of the year during the summer, and you can find them in fields all across the country....when France celebrates its national holiday in July, so the timing is perfect. You will often see bouquets of red, white and blue flowers (sometimes the above, though they do not last long once cut, sometimes others such as blue larkspur, red roses and white carnations or lillies). Sometimes some sprigs of wheat are also placed in the bouquets to represent summer.
Reply:From thousands years ago,the flower of France is the Lilly.It was painted on the emblem of royal house of France,no matter wich dinasty was.
Reply:There is no official National flower of France.

The fleur de lis, a stylized representation of what might be either a lily or an iris, was the heraldic symbol of the French Kings and not some actual flower. Further, it was not the symbol of the nation so much as the symbol of the monarchy.
Reply:Lily seems the more accurate (can be find everywhere)

Kingdom use to have flower but not the republic
Reply:No flower now.
Reply:When it was a royalty the lily was the emblem of the royal family,

To represent the French kingdom, property of the king, the colours were blue with golden lilies (see link)

Now that this is a republic there's no flower at all.

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