Thursday, May 20, 2010

Macro Pictures for digital Photography?

I need some ideas on some Macro (or SUPER Macro) pictures in digital photography.

The typical Macro/Super Macro pictures is bugs and flowers. BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well I'm the the horse girl, so I was wonder if theres something interesting that I could macro/super macro on horses?

Serious inquries only.

Thank you in advance.

Macro Pictures for digital Photography?
Horse's eyes can be really beautiful, have a look at my photo on Flickr ( It's overexposed, but I like the effect. There are some other macro photos in my 'Insects' set, I know you think bugs are boring, but you might like some of them, leave a comment and let me know.

Avoid flash around horses. Many of them do not see it because it's so fast, but those that do may spook and injure themselves.

Certainly do not use it with macro, because you will be really close. If you must use flash:

* Stand at least a couple of metres (6-7 feet) away from the nearest horse. This may not be the one that you're photographing.

* Make sure that the horses have seen you. If it's very dark wear high visibility clothing.

I assume that you have a Fuji camera, because you mentioned Super Macro. My Fuji S7000, is brilliant it will focus down to 20mm (about ¾") so the photos reveal things that you just don't notice with the naked eye.

Just experiment, take macro shots of everything, you may surprise yourself. I often do!

Do contact me if you have any more questions.
Reply:Besides the horse itself, look at the tack and the barn. Take some close-up photos of all sorts of things like the webbing on the saddle or the wood grain in the horse's stall. When you bring them up on the computer, the detail is amazing. Macro photography lets you see things that you miss with your human eyesight.
Reply:How about bugs and flowers together?

I like the suggestion to shoot other things besides just the horse. The obvious subject would be the horse's eyelashes, but maybe you can get the swirly marks on the biting surface of some well worn teeth. How about dents and burnish marks on the tack? An ultra close up of a bale of hay...
Reply:Try to think of any subject where the detail is unique. Play a game of "do you know what this is?" There are things people see everyday in the broad sense, that they have little relationship to in the close up sense.

How about close up of part of the horses tail or mane or the bottom of the hoof?
Reply:It's eyeball! Horses have huge eyes. Do a macro shot with a flash and it might look really cool. You might also want to do a pile of it's manure. Other than that, I don't really think something as big as a horse is the right subject for macro photography.
Reply:Uh, i'm not sure, the horse's nose texture? hair texture?

When you say super macro do you mean: "micro" (more magnification that life sized) I'm trying to figure out why you want microscopic images of parts of horses. Sounds kind of weird but, if you like that sort of thing... go for it.

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