Sunday, May 23, 2010

What is the national flower of Bulgaria ? Why was it chosen?

I am making a blog about flowers around the world.

Easy 10pts to whom ever can provide me with a picture link and historic details.

Thanks :)

What is the national flower of Bulgaria ? Why was it chosen?
Interesting question :-))))))))))))))))

The national flower of Bulgaria is the rose.Bulgaria is the biggest rose oil producer in the world indeed and biggest investor in the Bulgarian rose oil is France(they used it for their perfumes because it smells more than fantastic ;-)))) I disagree that these rosed are red -they are pink-I've been where they grow (in a vast valley beyond the Balkan Mountains).Because of them Bulgaria is called "Land of roses"
Reply:According to a legend, returning soldiers of Alexander Macedon’s garrisons brought the first roses to Thrace from the region of the town Kashan in Persia through Syria and Damascus. Bulgarian scientists presume that the cultivation of the roses was introduced to the region round Kazanlak, a town founded by the Turks in 1420. The roses were reportedly brought from Tunisia by a Turkish judge, who had beautiful vast gardens planted with fragrant roses. This is the trip of the rose.

After the developing of this industry in the Middle Ages and inventing the double and multiple distillation, the Bulgarian rose oil soon made a name for its superior quality. The demand for this oil of unsurpassed quality has not faded until today. The Bulgarian producers of the time became aware of the fact that they were manufacturing a new and precious product.
Reply:i guess it's the rose,l cuz they are known for their rose oil

Reply:The national flower is the red rose but this is only in modern times.

The rose is an important flower to Bulgaria being a major producer of rose oil which is an essential component for most perfumes. Lots of facts are here for this -%26gt;

Picture? Again you can google this and gets thousands of pics - e.g.
Reply:A rose.
Reply:Rose - famous rose oil

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