Sunday, May 23, 2010

Can you help identify this flower?

The flower is very fragrant. It is a beautiful flower and I cannot figure out what it is. Here is a picture...

Can you help identify this flower?
It appears to be a type of single peony.

Most of the peonies you see are double ones but there are single ones--where the petals are arranged like this. It is beautiful as are all peonies.

Wish I could see the bottom of it.

No upon studying it more it is definitely a Japanese Tree Peony, the single type.

You should see what the plant looks like--a little woody shrub with several of these beauties in bloom on it. I have seen them and have never forgotten them.
Reply:Looks like it came from the Rose family to me.
Reply:Could it be a hibiscus?
Reply:It would be easier to identify if you could see what kind of a plant it comes from. Is it a bush, a tree, or a single plant? What do the leaves look like?
Reply:i truly believe it's a peony. i have the same flower in pink. the smell covers my whole yard.

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