Sunday, May 23, 2010

Purple fragrant flower?

I have a tree that just started to bloom with purple flowers and they smell awesome almost like french soap. But I have no idea what type of tree it is or its called. Can someone tell me how I can figure out the name of this tree. Is there a way to send pictures for identification on this website?

Purple fragrant flower?
If they look like this then they're lilacs and there is soap scented like this.

If they look more like the ones in my avatar then they're iris, but they're a plant growing from tubers. They smell terrific and there are frgrances and soaps made from them too.

The Muse
Reply:Could it be a lilac? Take a sprig into a local nursery where they may be able to identify it for you.
Reply:Hiacinth is so much like a perfume smell it is very fragrant , also lilac.

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