Thursday, May 20, 2010

Photo software black and white picture with colored flower?

I'm looking for the software where everything is in black and white except for one thing in color.

Photo software black and white picture with colored flower?
Easier said than done, but you can do with this, with time, with just about any image editing software. Good choices include Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, and much more. In Photoshop there are layer controls and the like. It's quite easy to do such with just about any tool (my fav is obviously the Photoshop), and you can find such info the tutorials and documentation found within the chosen product.
Reply:The FREE program Picasa, has an effect called Focal B%26amp;W that will do that. If your flower area is relatively round and with a dark background it should come out quite nice. You can adjust the size of the colored area with a slider bar and move it around the page with your mouse, but it stays round, you can't change the shape.

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