Sunday, May 23, 2010

What is the best background colour/colours to take pictures?

of wedding bouquets and wedding flowers for a website?

What is the best background colour/colours to take pictures?
Neutral colours like grey, black, white, and beige are good if the flowers are very colourful. If the flowers are of neutral colours, a more vibrant background is usually better. If you visit the website below, there's a link that will take you to a site that shows lots of photographed wedding flowers, which should give you some ideas. (
Reply:it really doesnt matter, and depends on whether youre lookiing for complimentary colours or contrast... but what you do is shorten the depth of field, or use macro, it throws everything bar the immediate subject out of focus.

paintshop pro x1 has a facility to recreate depth of field..and its pretty good providing you draw the mask freehand...
Reply:A background with the lens cap off...
Reply:Blue, sky blue.
Reply:Not a solid color, but a hzey hue of a country cottage , near a dinner table with old lace and other items placed near, that show up blurred in the background, (just my imagination)!
Reply:beige, light gray with a light blue undertone. outside i would do on a white tablecloth with grass in the back ground......

If the flowers are white do a darker background...but bright vibrant colors do well with the above mentioned colors.
Reply:In my experience, you cannot beat the ultra white background for wedding photography. In your case of bouquets, I would suggest white or a 18% greybackground. Either way, if your lighting is wrong and not soft, it will not look good. Photoshop is nice, but in my experience, flowers look best when lit right originally.

Hope this helps, and good luck!
Reply:Depends on the colours of the flowers.

If red or white then a light blue background.

If yellow, green or purple then a white background.
Reply:The most beautiful and romantic is white, specially velvet. Then you can add a touch of red by sprinkling red rose pettles everywhere, if you like! I've seen it and it looks beautiful.
Reply:dark or light blue is the best

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