Sunday, May 23, 2010

Do you know what flower this is? Picture is inside.?

I will be having my wedding late next summer and I love these flowers that I have in my garden. I can't find the tags that had there name and I don't remember what they are. I would really like to buy more seeds so that I can grow a bunch for my wedding.

Thanks in advance :)

Do you know what flower this is? Picture is inside.?
They look like some type of tulip or a relation of. When was this pic taken ? Last spring or current ? RScott
Reply:I can't tell you what they are but, I would like to let you know that some flowers aren't study enough to withstand cutting and using in arrangements. Some just die right off or the buds fall off.

You would have to try testing the flowers out to see how long they last and see if they keep their bud beautiful for a couple of days.

You should always have a backup plan in case the flowers don't turn out well. Sometimes they are tricky. It is better to be safe then sorry.
Reply:The picture isn't rendering well for me, but the color and leaf shape that I could make out remind me of Eustoma, aka lisianthus. Might want to poke around with google images and do a comparison.

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