Thursday, May 20, 2010

Desert flower?

hi , i live in a village in israel on the north of the Negev desert,and i saw a new kind of flower in my garden, i need help on finding information on this amazing plant, thanx

thi link is the flower picture:

Desert flower?
The flowers in the photo are those of =Mesembryanthemum crystallinum

It is a prostrate succulent plant that is native to Africa, Western Asia and Europe.

The plant is covered with large, glistening bladder cells, reflected in its common names of Common Ice Plant, Crystalline Iceplant or Iceplant.

Click the link below for confirmation =

More information about the plant genus ' family is on the link below =

From = A Botanist

I sent your question to the flower expert. Give them 24 hours and then go and look at this search:

:-D If they send me the answer in email, I will forward it to you. Good luck.
Reply:Maybe Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, or something similar.

IDs from photos are rarely certain.

rain roots

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