Sunday, May 23, 2010

Non-pro digital camera that takes kinda artistic pictures?

I'm not an art/photography major or anything, I just would like to take kinda artistic pictures of my garden's flowers and different objects. I currently have a Samsung Digimax 301 and it takes great pictures but not what I want.

Any camera you can recommend me that is not a professional one or too expensive?

PS: I'm going to Paris soon and I'd like to take some great pics!

Some examples:

I could never take such a clear pic of a doll with my camera.

Non-pro digital camera that takes kinda artistic pictures? %26lt;%26lt;%26lt; these new Casio cameras are excellent. The have a "best shot mode" which adjusts all the settings for you according to what you are photographing - everything from running water to sunsets, close-ups to landscapes and it has an anti-shake facility to stop your pics getting blurry if your hand moves when you press the button. (I bought my wife one for Christmas... and now I'm looking to buy one myself)
Reply:Sorry but the camera doesnt make the photo, its the person behind the camera.
Reply:cameras dont make art. people make art.
Reply:I would definitely recommend a FujiFinePix. I have an S5200 and it is great. I never thought a camera from Walmart (eeek!) would work soooooo good. I am planning on majoring in photography, so I am moving on to "bigger and better" cameras, but I would definitely recommend this to you if you aren't too serious about it. It retails for 200-300 bux, which, believe me, is very good. You could try a cheaper model of the FujiFinePix, but I am not sure how much the quality would decrease. Make sure you do get one with manual settings, as they have come in handy quite a bit. You can look at my photos, all taken with my FinePix here: As you will see my photos, the concert photos were taken using the manual settings for shutter speed because you need a faster shutter speed. The fireworks were taken using a slower shutter speed, leaving the lens open for 5 seconds. A regular "point-and-shoot" cannot do this. Also, it has a great zoom, 10x, almost 4 times the average zoom. It has a macro setting too, which lets you get within 2-3 inches of your subject, and it is still crystal clear. I think thats it...haha.
Reply:Kodak P or Z series, especially the P880...I have rwo...

natural deodorants

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