Sunday, May 23, 2010

What is the national flower of Italy? Why was it chosen?

I am making a blog about flowers around the world.

Easy 10pts to whom ever can provide me with a picture link and historic details.

Thanks :)

What is the national flower of Italy? Why was it chosen?

I do not think there is a national flower for Italy.

Lily is the flower for Florence as it was in the coat of arms of the Medici Family.
Reply:Certain European countries do not have a national flower. Italy is one of them.

Scroll down to the end of the national flowers list, it states it there.
Reply:I believe it is Jasmine.
Reply:i am italian and there is not a national flower
Reply:italy doesn't have a national flower and lily is also the flower of france..( i guess)
Reply:I dont know but please let me know....
Reply:If you ask an Italian they will tell it is the Lily. Even though it doesn't appear on National Flower lists.
Reply:italy doesnt have a national flower
Reply:You could pick the rose.
Reply:hi.i'm italien ....hiris is the most famouse flower in italy because is the flower of medici family(florece)but we don't have national flower!!!

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