Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blanket Flower Arizona Sun?

This is my first time planting anything from seed and I want to border my flower beds with these Blanket Flowers. I've notice in pictures that they almost look like a bush.

Is this from one seed or how many seeds create such a big bundle like that?

Blanket Flower Arizona Sun?
Gaillardia 'Arizona Sun' is a fairly new one and it's a dwarf cultivar. It gets about 8-10" in height and 10-12" in width. The pictures that you are seeing is probably just one plant-pictures can be deceiving. Each plant does produce a lot of blooms.

If you are seeding directly into the ground, place a few seeds into a hole and space 10" apart. Once they have sprouted and have four leaves each, you will need to thin them. These means that you go to each hole and pull out the seedlings and leave one so that it can grow to maturity.If you are seeding them in a tray, plant them every 10" apart along your border to avoid overcrowding when they are large enough to do so.

Here is a picture to show you just one plant.


Good luck.
Reply:Clink this link for lots of good information...be sure to keep the seeds moist until you have four leaves, then you can back off a bit:


Another good flower for your heat is 'Bright Lights' cosmos. Easy to grow from seed after the nights reach 70 or more degrees. They are bred for hot areas. Keep seeds moist until you get four leaves.

Be sure to cut off fading flowers. This will produce more flowers throughout the summer.

You can collect seeds by letting the flowers dry on the stems in August.

Happy gardening to you. :o)

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