Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Does anyone know where i can find a picture of a rebel flag rose/flower tattoo?

i saw it once and can't remember where and now want to add that tattoo to my little collection of them...if you know please help out...i have tried search for rebel flag/dixie flower/rose tattoos and nothing...please help!!!

Does anyone know where i can find a picture of a rebel flag rose/flower tattoo?
any tattoo artist should have it its a flash design... i have seen it at my tattoo artist shop its a confedrate flag and a rose..

just go to your local tattoo shop and if you cant find it any tat artist can draw it any way you would like it...

AND to the first girl who answerd your ? LEARN your HISTORY the cilvil war had NOTHING to do WITH slavery.... the civil war started over TRADE agrements\....... between the NORTH AND SOUTH!~

we can thank the NAACP for the bull S$*% about slavery and the civil war and the confederate flag...
Reply:im sorry, you do know they lost? slavery has been over for quite some time, you should really get over that. and yes, the swastika is also the result of a lost war, don't go getting ahead of yourself...

my fish

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