Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What is a fast growing vining flower.?

I needs some helping picking out a pretty vining flower that will climb. I want something that is fast growing that has pretty flowers on it. I had what was to be a climbing rose bush but it turned out to be just a regular rose bush and now since it died I would like to replace it . Anyone have and suggestions and if possible when you answer could you put a like on the answer so I can see a picture of it, if possible. Thanks in advance.


What is a fast growing vining flower.?
Reply:Morning Glories. They are pretty and are about theee most impossible vine/weed to get rid of so you shouldn't have any problems with it dying.

a beautiful vine is a Mandivilla. However it is tropical- but you can grow it as an annual(unless you live in a coastal region). Link attachedIt is very vast growing.

also Jasmine vine is very pretty. It will live from year to year.
Reply:I'd say Morning Glory's for sure. Buy your seed, take a knife and make a slit in seed, soak in water overnight, plant as usual. This slit will give it a jump start. This is the only way I ever plant Morning Glory's. "Get the pastel variety and plant with the blue variety - for a beautiful show". In my opion ... I really like cardinal flower vine also, looks like small little red trumpets and the hummingbirds love it! Clematis grows slower and won't bloom all summer like morning glory.

Reply:The Zepherine Drouhin is a great climber. I bought two in pots (about 3 foot tall) from the gardner suppler in May and by the end of June it had grown taller than the height of my arbor. (7ft). The good thing about this is that the small pink roses acually have a nice fragrance that you can smell in a nice breeze and the thorns are not as deadly as most rose bushes or climbers.

Don't forget morning glories, but they can get out of control if you have any other plants. I let morning glories grow on my Rose Blaze climber and they just about killed it, the glories wrap their tendrils around the plant and all but strangle it.

The also come in two diff sizes and a variety of colors.
Reply:smells Rebel jasmine smells great too

1 comment:

  1. I have to say ''Moon Flowers''.It grows about a 1/2 in. a day!A hearty vine with big dark green leaves that produce a beautiful large ivory soap smelling bloom that actually blooms as the sun sets.It likes the sun, nice on or beside a deck when you can see and smell it while enjoying an evening outside!p.s starts from a seed,is an annual but well worth growing every year!
