Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What's the name of this plant/flower, & how do I care for it? (Picture URL inside)?

I received this plant with beautiful flowers, but the person who gave it to me didn't know its name, so I would like to find out in order to know how to properly care for it. Please check the picture url:


If you know what flower it is, that would be a good start, and if you happen to know how often it should be watered and what it's sunlight/shade tolerance is, that'd be great.

What's the name of this plant/flower, %26amp; how do I care for it? (Picture URL inside)?
this plant is called a cyclamen.it likes semi-shade,out of direct sun.not to much water,particularly in winter,just keep moist.in the spring you can put it outside for the summer.
Reply:It is a cyclamen. There are 'florist' type ones that need extra care and are mainly indoor types and there and outdoors with chill factor and under shady tree tough ones.

If you live in a temperate climate the outdoor ones are tough just need semi shade and a regular water not too much though or they will rot off.

The hot house ones need a good glass house environment and a dormant period in shade and are a lot harder to keep going.
Reply:I am not totally sure but you can check the site below. There are numerous Annuals and Perennials listed with photos.
Reply:That is a Cyclamen. Do a search on the internet. You will find all kinds of great info. This is really strange I pulled this up. I received 1 for Christmas and I went online to search for it myself. I have huge trees, lots of shade and it turns out this is a shade plant. Good luck with it!

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