Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Why are the pictures blurry?

Okay well I have a digital camera and I was taking close-up pictures of flowers because they were very nice looking flowers growing in my front yard. So anyways i took like 16 pics of them and only 4 of them came out good.

What I mean is that I took the closeup of it, but the flower was blurry and everything else behind it was perfect. Also other times when I take pictures of something, that something that I'm taking a picture of gets blurry and everything else is clear.

I use a tripod and make sure the camera won't move.

So is there any way I can get it from being blurry?

Why are the pictures blurry?
Two main things I can think of:

1) If you are using autofocus, switch to manual focusing. Often, and especially in close-up work, your camera is not smart enough to know what you want to focus on, so it makes assumptions. This becomes more pronounced when you use larger apertures in macro work. As you become a better photographer, you will probably find yourself using manual focusing more and more because you will disagree with the camera's choice of focus.

2) If "everything else" being the background, the subject might be moving due to wind. Even if the flower is slowly swaying forward and backward, a slight movement is enough to move it out of the intended focal plane.

Perhaps, try using a light reflector (a large white cardboard) on your subject so that you can use a smaller aperture while maintaining a relatively fasy shutter speed...this might help expand your depth of field, while at the same time, fill in some shadows.
Reply:It sounds like your camera is focusing on everything but the flower. It could be your settings or just the way you are taking the picture. Almost all digital cameras have a "close up" scene you can use to take close up pictures. Try that if your camera has it.
Reply:From the sound of it, your camera isn't able to focus on things that close at a normal mode (it might have a macro mode or close-up mode indicated by a picture of a flower) so it's automatically focusing on the backround instead of the foreground, because it allows it to focus on that. If you really want a close-up, get a macro lens, bellow, extension tubes or close-up lens. Macro lens are like telephoto lens but are built for close focus. You can use them as an all-around lens if you don't want to zoom in close on anything. Extension tubes seperate the lens farther away from the camera body so the lens isn't close. These can work very well, but usually make your pictures dark. If you have built-in metering (like on most digital cameras) it's not a problem. Bellows are like extension tubes, but with accordion folds, so you can increase (closer focus) or decrease (less close focus) the length. Finally, close up lenses attatch to your regular lens like a filter to give you closer focus. These are your best bet, because they're basically transparent disks that can screw on to most 35mm SLR lenses. This means that you can just hold them in front of the camera lens (or tape them, if you don't really care) Most of the stuff (especially the bellows and extension tubes) probably won't work for your digital camera, as the lens usually doesn't fit (or won't attatch.) But what do I know-it's not my camera.

So pretty much switch to close-up mode on your camera or buy any of the above.
Reply:if you want to take closeup images you need to switch to macro mode. on most cameras it looks like a little flower and then you will be able to get closer to the subject, and do a closeup

in normal mode you lense cant focus that close and thats why they are blurry
Reply:use manual focus, move camera further away from the flowers

Reply:2 simple reasons may be:

1. Your camera lens is not able to focus at that distance.

Remedy move farther from flower and then re-focus on the flower

2. Your camera is focussing somewhere other than the flower. You need to know how to set the focus for your camera and once you know that you have to focus on the flower

Now you said you have a digital camera then you can try different shots and see which ones work and which don't.

Take a note of all the shots and various settings and then compare with results.

hope this helps
Reply:How close does your camera focus. It seems that you are trying to focus closer than your camera will.

If you tell us what camera and model number you have we can help some.

If you look hard on your LCD screen, you should see what is in and out of focus

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