Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Anyone know what kind of flower this is?

I bought some flowers and I would take a picture, but I don't have a camera handy (there are a bajillion places where it could be) so I was wondering if any of you know what kind it is based on it's description.

Basically it's like a big stem with flowers blooming from the sides. I have about 5 stems and they're similar to the size of roses. But there are a lot of flowers on the sides of each one. Hope thats good enough..thx rly apreciate it..plz attach a pic if it's not too much trouble..but if u cant that's fine I'll look it up myself on google :) best answer gets 10 pts. (lol idun get y ppl say that cuz its always liek that but yeahh).

Anyone know what kind of flower this is?
Poor description. Color? Size of blooms? Blossom shape? Could be gladiolas. Could be a lot of things.
Reply:it could be delphenium or larkspur
Reply:A sunflower?
Reply:How about a Hibiscus. Google the word and ask for images. There are several views. Hibiscus plants are varied, in that some are very tall and bloom late in August and early Sept. Others are shorter plants, about 30 inches and bloom just a little earlier in the season.

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