Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rockery/Flower bed idea - on a budget? *Pictures*?

Here is a picture of our currently overgrown and unkept rockery/flowerbed.


We are hoping to put something nice here. I want something low maintenance, pretty, with that crowded 'country cottage' feel but still cleanand attractive.

Does anyone have any good ideas. What kind of plants should we plant? There are a few more rocks hiding amongst that purple plant. The main thing is something fairly low budget.

Thanks in advance!

Rockery/Flower bed idea - on a budget? *Pictures*?
I agree, I like it too. I especially like things spilling out and about on the rocks - darling.

If you want to add anything perhaps you can consider Pentemon, Aster or Salvia along the fence side to give some height. They will also go nicely with the purple plant which looks like a Campanula.

Good luck. :)
Reply:I agree with Joanne. It is very pretty. Weed it out, and remove some of the overgrown plants on the stairs and you have a ready rock garden. Don't take too much off the stairs, just enough so someone doesn't slip and fall.

And remember, low maintenance doesn't mean NO maintenance. Every garden in every yard all over the world needs tending. You can't just plunk something in a garden and think you'll never have to do anything to it again. It doesn't work that way.

Unless, of course you hire a landscape crew to take care of it for you.
Reply:agree... clean up, cut back, remove weeds take out a hunk or two of the purple spreader, and that spot will be ready for the addition of one or two new plants and colors.... lovely area!
Reply:I think it is pretty just the way it is. Keep it tidy and clean and you will be fine.

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